Friday, January 29, 2010

No hard regrets.

I can't tell you how many times I've attempted to post this entry. With so many things I need to complete when it comes to writing...I have no business working on anything else. So why do it? Why keep up with a blog spot? I've asked myself this same question for the past two weeks, ever since I first rolled into San Francisco. What can I possibly say that can make a difference to anyone out there who might be reading this?

When I first decided to launch this new blog, I had only one thing on my mind; document my experience in film school for the next two years. But why? To kill some time? No-that wouldn't be it because people can definitely quote me by saying, "I don't have time!" A common reply that I so frequently used during my early years in Hollywood. It's hard for me to get a grip on the fact that in June of this year, I'll be turning forty. What does this number mean by the way? Ten years to fifty? According to the band, 5 for Fighting, "You've only got one hundred years to live."
So, I guess this means that I'm middle aged. Maybe that's why I'm writing this blog, but certainly don't quote me yet because I may be wrong.

Do I have any regrets thus far? Not a one and that's a promise. I've always done everything I said I was going to do in my life and I'm still crossing them off my list. Married? No. Dating? Definitely not. Why you ask? I can answer that very simply and even in three words or less, but that would ruin the entire experience of this blog for you. The answer to those questions will come...but not today.

Most people my age are married or have been married several times over by now, with children. I have a very good friend (whom I've recently been reconnected with after almost twenty years) and she's already a grandma at forty! Woe...can I say it again? Woe...

People have stated (or have been opinionated in the sense) that I have done things the hard way in my life and it was time for me to start thinking, "long term" regardless of the huge accomplishments I've achieved. I assume it's because my hard work hasn't stiffened up my bank account yet. Although, these people could never say this to my face. They would inform one of my closest friends. Mind you, these are people that used to scrounge through their ashtrays for coins to buy a pack of cigarettes. After spending their hard earned, "tips" which they had snorted up their nose the night before. And they have a college degree as well. But, I guess that's the importance of marrying somebody with a little money now, isn't it? Or, when you're in your mid thirties, (or approaching forty) you have to find that perfect partner who can either meet you half way or completely take over financially. Ya-that's it. To help you buy that dream home you've always wanted. You better choose wisely. Make sure they make enough money, catch 'em before it's too late. When all the while you're praying to God that the dust doesn't settle down too heavily in your life and you realize that you have absolutely nothing in common with that person you married. Especially, romantically. But you're financially secure. That's all that matters, right? Relax, boys and girls. If you marry somebody rich you're not stupid.

So where might these egoistic opinions stem from? Peer pressure? Domestication? Well, it couldn't be experience. That would be the last thing it would be. You see, I'll tell you how it works in my book. I've taken both the high road and the low ride during my life time. Do you want to know when I've learned the most? Right now. More than any time in my life, now is the time when I'm learning the most. Why? Because I've been around the block, learned my lessons and haven't repeated the same mistakes twice. I never look back either. I try not to dwell on the obsticles ahead. I conquer them all one by one. But most importantly, it's the friends that I have now in my life who have made me into the man that I am today. I'm learning about the significance of these people and the important role each one has played in my life. That says everything!

Where would I be without them? It's the friends (some old and some new) who have continued to support me throughout the years. Without a shadow of a doubt, there are a handful of people in my life (and these friends include family members) who would truly take a bullet for me if they had to. And I would do the same for them.

So what have I been doing with myself up until now? It would take years for me to write down everything so maybe the photos I've posted might tell the story. I think you'll be able to get a good idea of who I am and where I've been. But where am I headed? The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California. That's where I'm headed. Yes, at thirtynine (and a half) I start film school on February 2nd 2010. Even though I've already written, produced and directed my first feature film which is in its final stages of production, I wanted to continue my journey with the knowledge that will ultimately carry me to the next level towards my advancement. I'll be developing a keen eye for cinematography, that's for sure.

I'll be too busy to blog every night but I will keep you posted on weekly developments throughout my college experience. Considering I haven't stepped foot inside a classroom since my graduation from high school over twenty years ago, this should be very interesting. I want to thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog spot. I really could go on...and on...but you'll get to know me better as I keep posting. So let me leave you with this last bit of information about myself: The biggest lessons that I have ever learned to date is that you are never too old to try something new. You're never too old to get a continued education. You're never too old to merely hope for something to happen that you've always wanted for yourself. And last but certainly not least, you're never too old to fulfill a matter what anybody says, no matter what their opinions are. And that's an ERICKISM!